What is the Perfect Height for My Child to Visit Walt Disney World?

We get this question all the time - Should I wait until my child is tall enough to ride everything to visit Disney World? The short answer is… it depends. If you and your child are focused on rides, especially thrill rides, then perhaps it is best to wait until they are tall enough to ride everything while they are in the parks. But as you’ll see there is still so much to see and do in Walt Disney World before a child can ride everything that it’s certainly worth considering a trip while they are still little.

To start, there are over 170 attractions in Walt Disney World, with over 140 of those being in the main four theme parks, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom. Of those 140+ only about 20 have height requirements. So no matter what age or height, it’s helpful to know that there is still plenty to see and do at the Most Magical Place on Earth! In the event you have multiple kids at varying heights, you may want to look into the Rider Swap Program at select attractions. This allows for everyone tall enough to ride the ability to ride without everyone having to wait in line twice.



Once your child is 48 inches they are clear to ride all rides and attractions in the four main theme parks. While many think this is the perfect, magic height, we disagree. We think there's more to it worth considering. Again, if your main goal is thrills and rides then maybe it is best to wait until your children are 48 inches before visiting. On average that means your child will be somewhere between about 7 and 9 years old on their first visit. But at the same time, the reality is that an 8 year old seeing Mickey Mouse for the first time is a very different experience than a 3 or 4 year old. To younger kids, they are finally getting to meet the same Mickey Mouse they have been watching on television. Or when they meet Anna and Elsa for “the first time in forever”, it’s suddenly a lifelong dream come true for them! And those are experiences you could miss if you wait too long before their first visit. We know that for us, there is almost nothing more magical than experiencing the magic of Disney through the eyes of a small child.



So is there a “perfect age” for a child’s first visit to Disney World? Probably not. However knowing what YOU want out of your child’s first visit is just as important. Some memories can not be recaptured once kids are older, but Space Mountain will always be there waiting when they are all enough to ride. Our recommendation is to weigh out all your options and know what experience YOU are looking for, just as much as what the kids will be able to ride. After all, they are only little, for a little while and you don’t want to miss it.



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